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Invite Welcome Connect Kick-Off!

Updated: May 1

It’s been nearly a year in the making! 

Join us for the Invite Welcome Connect Kick-Off Event on April 28!

What is Invite Welcome Connect and how did it come to be at Holy Trinity?  This is a great, two-part question!  Guided by the gospel directive to “Go and make disciples of all nations,” the ministry of Invite Welcome Connect equips and empowers individuals and congregations to practice evangelism (invite), hospitality (welcome), and connectedness (connect).

The Invite Welcome Connect concept was introduced to Holy Trinity in the spring 2022.  To learn more about this ministry program and what it could do for this congregation, the Renaissance Committee hosted a full-day training in November 2022 with Invite Welcome Connect founder Mary Parmer.  More than 20 Holy Trinity members attended along with several others from area congregations.  Borne out of this session was the need for Holy Trinity to embrace the Invite Welcome Connect Ministry and incorporate it in all aspects of church life.  With Council approval to launch this new ministry, it was determined that an Invite Welcome Connect Ministry Team was needed. At the April 2023 Special Congregational Meeting, members voted to approve an amendment to the Bylaws of changing the Welcome Ministry Team to the Invite Welcome Connect Ministry Team. 

For the past year, the Invite Welcome Connect Ministry Team has been working hard!  We completed high-level self-assessments in each of the areas of Invite, Welcome and Connect.  We discussed at length and in great detail the goals we wanted to set for 2024 and identified the tactics needed to achieve these goals. 

And now, it’s time to share this information with all of you!

In order for Invite Welcome and Connect to be effective, it needs to be … it must be … incorporated into all aspects of church life.  This includes worship, fellowship, outreach and service.  In order for Invite Welcome Connect to be a success, it needs you — ALL OF US — working together as we invite, welcome and connect people to Jesus through love and the word of God. 

Each of us has an important role to play in the success of the Invite Welcome Connect Ministry.  Join us for breakfast on Sunday, April 28 and learn about your role and how we can achieve success together! †

Invite Welcome Connect Kick-Off Event

Sunday, April 28, following worship

Breakfast buffet in Chapel Lounge

Beverages/Seating & Presentation in Room 202



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