Below is our Covenant that was affirmed by the Church Council as the covenant by which we all will live together as our congregation moves forward in ministry. Those serving Holy Trinity in any capacity (Church Council, Singers, Ringers, Committee and ministry Team Leaders, Greeters, Ushers, Volunteers, Committee and ministry Team Members, Staff, etc.) are particularly called to be living examples of this covenant.
As congregational leaders, we acknowledge that everyone who is part of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Akron - members, staff, and guests - are beloved children of God and of equal value, regardless of how long they have been connected to our family of faith.
Understanding that we are called to safeguard our relationships within the Body of Christ, we commit ourselves to the following:
Pray for one another and for the ministry of the church
Stand up against gossip and disunity
Never speak ill of each other
Work through and resolve conflicts quickly
Model transparency and vulnerability
Forgive one another when offended
Hold no grudges
Care for one another when someone is hurting
Speak to one another with respect and moderation
Give one another the benefit of the doubt
Always be honest in meetings and never seek personal agendas
Collaborate with others recognizing that we are here to serve a larger whole
We lift up and continue in the covenant we made in baptism:
To live among God’s faithful people
To hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper
To proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed
To serve all people, following the example of Jesus
To strive for justice and peace in all the earth
We will maintain and grow our lives of faith through:
Regular worship attendance
Personal prayer and devotion
Bible reading and study
Faith formation groups
Service to others through outreach and mission opportunities
We further commit to holding one another accountable to this covenant in the name of Jesus Christ, for the well-being of the congregation known as Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Akron. †