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Spring Cleaning

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)

Old-fashioned spring cleaning used to mean throwing open all the windows, hanging bedding out on the clothesline, and taking carpets outdoors to beat the winter’s dust out of them. Fresh air and sunlight brought cleansing and renewal. 

I see Lent as an annual spring cleaning of the soul as we open the windows of our hearts, reflect, and repent. This year I am using Prayers for Lent by Pamela C. Hawkins as a guide. The following prayer really speaks to me:

O God, who makes all things new,

new stars, new dust, new life;

take my heart,

every hardened edge and measured beat,

and create something new in me.

I need your newness, God,

the rough parts of me made smooth;

the stagnant, stirred;

the stuck, freed;

the unkind, forgiven.

And then, by the power of your Spirit,

I need to be turned toward Love again.


I hope you will join us this Lent as we intentionally seek the cleansing, forgiveness, and renewal God offers us in Jesus Christ! †


Pastor Becki




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